Timeline of a Personal
Injury Claim

Hiring an Attorney Lets the Insurance Company Know You Mean Business

If you have not yet hired a personal injury attorney, remember that generally, it is not in your best interest to accept an early bodily injury offer from an insurance company. Insurance companies are notorious for offering lowball settlement offers, usually much lower than your case is worth. Insurance companies do this because most people are not aware of the process or the value of their cases… and insurance companies know this!  Without legal representation, insurance companies hope a claimant will accept their lowball offer so they can quickly get rid of your claim at the lowest cost possible.

You need an experienced attorney who knows how to negotiate with the insurance company properly. If the insurance company is unwilling to settle, and the attorneys do not reach an agreement, you need a firm that will take your case to court. That is where Wood Craig Miller can help you.

Once you have contacted us, our attorneys will determine whether you are able to pursue a personal injury claim. After we decide to take your case, you will sign an agreement to retain our firm. Our legal fees are at no cost to you until we are able to arrive at a settlement or verdict.

Foundation of Your Case

PRESUIT PHASE - The Foundation of Your Case

Your legal team then begins the process of reviewing every detail of your case. Details reviewed for most personal injury cases include:

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    Injuries or Trauma

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    Police Report

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    Investigating the Scene of the Accident

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    Circumstances Causing Injuries

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    Any Supporting Evidence

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    Lost Wages

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    Medical Treatment

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    Long Term Effects or Impairments

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    Pain & Suffering

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    Mental & Emotional Trauma

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    Hardship on Spouse

What your lawyer and legal team do during your case:

Even if you are not hearing from your legal team on a regular basis, rest assured that work is going on behind the scenes. Here are some of the tasks that we may perform, given the circumstances of your specific case.

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    Examine the depth of your injuries based upon findings from your medical records and your own version of the facts

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    Examine the negligence of the at-fault party

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    Investigate the scene of the accident

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    Interviewing witnesses

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    Request documentation

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    Work with medical professionals & experts

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    Review medical records, documents, photos, and videos

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    Conduct interviews with independent witnesses

As our client, it is your responsibility to keep your team up-to-date on your medical treatment, which providers you are seeing, what procedures, surgeries or physical therapy you have received, and when your treatment has been completed. Once treatment is finished, our team will request medical records and bills from all providers. This process can take anywhere from 30-90 days.


Demand Letter

Once all records, bills and other evidence are received at our office, your legal team will draft a demand which lays out all of the specifics, presenting the facts and strengths of your case. To craft this letter, all information will be taken into careful consideration by your attorney and team. At this point, your attorney will consult with you to decide the suitable amount to demand from the insurance company. Generally speaking, this amount should support the notion of making you feel whole again after someone’s negligence.

The demand letter is then sent to the insurance company. According to Georgia law, in cases involving claims to the at-fault party (the liability carrier), the insurance company has 30 days to respond. If a claim is a UM claim (i.e. it is being sent to your own insurance company), the insurer has 60 days to respond.

Accepting a Settlement Offer from the Insurance Company

If a client and attorney agree the offer from the insurance company is acceptable, then our team gets to work preparing for settlement. This includes negotiating any outstanding medical bills and liens, to ensure that all legally-bound parties are paid off as a result of the settlement. After a check is received from the insurance company, your legal team will set up a settlement meeting (either in person or virtual), at which point settlement documents are signed. Once all documents are signed, our office will disburse a check to you, and your case will be considered closed.


Please see our infographic which explains the presuit legal claim process.


If the insurance company rejects the demand or a reasonable settlement cannot be reached, your attorney and team will be ready to file a lawsuit. In most circumstances in Georgia, you have two years (Statute of Limitations) to file a lawsuit. The goal remains the same – to fight for you to get the most compensation possible.


Your Atlanta personal injury attorney will file the paperwork to begin your lawsuit. This paperwork is called a Complaint or Petition filed by the Plaintiff (you), and it lists the claims and desired actions against the Defendant (the party being sued). The Defendant will receive all this paperwork from the court in the form of a summons, after being served.


In order for a lawsuit to commence, a defendant must be served with paperwork. This is usually done by the sheriff of the county in which the defendant lives. However, if the sheriff is unable to serve the defendant, a special process server may be hired to help serve the complaint. However it happens, under most circumstances, a lawsuit cannot begin until the complaint is served on the defendant.

There is no set period of time for how long this can take, as people can move and sometimes deliberately evade service. In a perfect world, this process can take under 30 days, but can last much longer, depending upon the difficulties encountered in locating and serving the defendant.



The defendant will respond to each allegation in your complaint in one of the following ways:

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    denied; or

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    insufficient knowledge to admit or deny. 

The defendant may choose to file a counterclaim against you, or perhaps file a motion for the case to be dismissed.


Fact-finding and Discovery

At this point in a Georgia personal injury lawsuit, both sides will be asked to provide documents, sworn statements in the form of depositions, and be subject to interrogatories, which are questions about the injuries and circumstances of the case.

Your legal team will work with you to respond to Interrogatories and provide responses that will carefully and honestly answer appropriate questions. If you are deposed, you attorney will make sure you are well prepared for it.



After the discovery phase has closed, your legal team will once again assess the strengths and potential weaknesses of your case, and will often propose to the defendant’s attorneys that they begin the mediation process. A mediator is an outside neutral individual who will listen to the facts of the case and work to help both sides come to an agreement about settlement. Your legal team will produce a detailed outline of all facts of the case, providing your attorney with all the facts readily needed to negotiate the best possible settlement.

Court Motions and Settlements

The most common resolution to a Georgia personal injury lawsuit is a settlement. Most times, a personal injury lawsuit is settled before going to trial (through mediations or additional negotiations). If a settlement is reached, the plaintiff ceases all court action against the defendant for a sum of money that has been agreed upon between you, your attorney and the defendant’s attorney.

When court motions or settlements cannot resolve a case, it goes to trial. Your Atlanta personal injury attorney can explain each motion that is filed in your case and what they mean to the overall process.



A trial occurs when your case goes before a judge and/or jury. Your attorney will argue for you and your case to the fullest extent of the law.
Prior to trial, you will meet with your attorney and legal team to make sure that not only are you well-prepared for trial, but to make sure you understand everything that will happen in court. Read our reviews to see how seriously we take representing you and your rights.